Real Customer-Data-Platform Exam, Customer-Data-Platform Valid Test Materials

Real Customer-Data-Platform Exam, Customer-Data-Platform Valid Test Materials

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It is known to us that having a good job has been increasingly important for everyone in the rapidly developing world; it is known to us that getting a Salesforce Customer Data Platform certification is becoming more and more difficult for us. That is the reason that I want to introduce you our Customer-Data-Platform prep torrent. I promise you will have no regrets about reading our introduction. I believe that after you try our products, you will love it soon, and you will never regret it when you buy it.

Salesforce-Customer-Data-Platform Exam aims to help professionals who work with the platform understand its many features and benefits. Customer-Data-Platform exam covers topics such as data modeling, identity resolution, segmentation, and orchestration to help individuals become proficient in the use of the Customer Data Platform. By passing Customer-Data-Platform exam, professionals can demonstrate their ability to use Salesforce Customer Data Platform to its full potential, thereby improving the bottom line of their organization.

Salesforce Customer Data Platform Exam, also known as the Salesforce CDP Exam, is a certification program designed for professionals seeking to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise in managing customer data through the Salesforce platform. Customer-Data-Platform Exam covers a wide range of topics, such as data modeling, data integration, data segmentation, and data governance, among others.

Earning the Salesforce CDP Certification demonstrates that professionals have the skills and knowledge required to manage customer data effectively. Salesforce Customer Data Platform certification is recognized by employers worldwide and can help professionals to advance their careers in customer data management. Certified professionals can also join the Salesforce Trailblazer community and access exclusive resources, such as events, webinars, and job listings.

>> Real Customer-Data-Platform Exam <<

Get Updated Real Customer-Data-Platform Exam and Pass Exam in First Attempt

We are pretty confident that thousands of Customer-Data-Platform exam candidates have passed their dream Customer-Data-Platform certification exam and if you start today you will be the next successful Customer-Data-Platform exam candidate. Three formats of our Customer-Data-Platform practice test material come with free demos and up to 1 year of free updates. So choose the right Free4Torrent Salesforce Customer Data Platform (Customer-Data-Platform) exam questions format and download it after paying reasonable charges and start Customer-Data-Platform exam preparation without wasting further time.

Salesforce Customer Data Platform Sample Questions (Q148-Q153):

How can a Data Subject Rights request from a customer be submitted to Salesforce CDP?

  • A. Using a dedicated data stream
  • B. Using a dedicated field in data stream
  • C. Using Data Explorer
  • D. Using the consent API

Answer: D

Which two options are available for automated batch publish and activation?

  • A. 24 hours
  • B. 15 minutes
  • C. 2 1 hour
  • D. 12 hours

Answer: A,D

How can a marketer change attribute names to match personalization in an activation target?

  • A. Set preferred attribute names when configuring activation target
  • B. Update attribute names in the data stream configuration
  • C. Update field names in the data model
  • D. Set preferred attribute names when configuring activation

Answer: D

A developer wants to create a segment for a birthday campaign which is refreshed every day and activateD. Which operator should he use?

  • A. Is Anniversary Of
  • B. Is Birthday
  • C. Is Between
  • D. Is This Year

Answer: A

What is the purpose of container path in segmentation?

  • A. Toshow the path of the attribute in the attribute library
  • B. To show unrelated attributes
  • C. To create relationships between your related attributes
  • D. To define data relationships in activation

Answer: C


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Customer-Data-Platform Valid Test Materials:

P.S. Free 2025 Salesforce Customer-Data-Platform dumps are available on Google Drive shared by Free4Torrent:

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