Network Appliance - NS0-604 - Valid Reliable Hybrid Cloud - Architect Exam Practice Questions
Network Appliance - NS0-604 - Valid Reliable Hybrid Cloud - Architect Exam Practice Questions
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Exam NS0-604 Overview - NS0-604 Top Dumps
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Network Appliance NS0-604 Exam Syllabus Topics:
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Network Appliance Hybrid Cloud - Architect Exam Sample Questions (Q58-Q63):
A customer is using NetApp ONTAP software and wants to tier data from ONTAP clusters with all-SSD aggregates or all-HDD aggregates to the Microsoft Azure cloud platform.
Which two best practices will enhance the customer's performance? (Choose two.)
- A. Establish a VNet service endpoint to Azure storage.
- B. Create an Azure ExpressRoute connection between the ONTAP cluster and Azure Blob storage.
- C. Create an HTTPS connection over port 443 to BlueXP tiering .
- D. Choose the IPspace with which each LIF is associated.
Answer: A,B
To enhance the performance when tiering data fromNetApp ONTAP clustersto the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, the following best practices should be considered:
* Establish a VNet service endpoint to Azure storage (A): This ensures secure and optimized access to Azure Blob storage directly from the ONTAP cluster, minimizing latency.
* Create an Azure ExpressRoute connection (B): ExpressRoute provides a dedicated, high- performance connection between the on-premises ONTAP clusters and Azure Blob storage, reducing latency and increasing throughput.
Whilechoosing the IPspace (C)is important for network configuration, it doesn't directly enhance performance for cloud-tiering.An HTTPS connection over port 443 (D)is for secure data transfer but isn't specifically performance-enhancing.
A customer has on-premises NetApp systems and wants information about data to migrate to Azure. Which dashboard in NetApp BlueXP digital advisor should the customer use?
- A. Valuable Insights
- B. Cloud Recommendations
- C. Keystone Advisor
- D. Health Check
Answer: B
To get insights about which data to migrate from on-premises NetApp systems to Azure, the customer should use theCloud Recommendationsdashboard in NetApp BlueXP Digital Advisor. This dashboard analyzes the on-premises environment and provides recommendations on which workloads or datasets are best suited for migration to the cloud, such as to Azure.
Other dashboards likeValuable Insights (A)andHealth Check (B)provide general system health and performance information, whileKeystone Advisor (D)relates to NetApp's subscription-based storage offering.
You are designing a solution using NetApp Cloud Tiering and want to Include details for the user on how to monitor network latency and throughput, so that they can identify potential bottlenecks that could affect the tiering service.
In this scenario, which tool would you include in the design to complete this task?
- A. NetApp XCP
- B. NetApp Cloud Manager
- C. Inactive Data Reporting
- D. Amazon CloudWatch
Answer: D
Which network configuration is required for NetApp BlueXP to discover an on-premises NetApp cluster?
- A. inbound 443 access from the BlueXP service
- B. inbound 443 access to the cluster-management UF
- C. outbound 443 access to the BlueXP service
- D. outbound 443 access to the Connector IP address
Answer: C
For NetApp BlueXP to discover an on-premises NetApp cluster, the network must be configured to allow outbound 443 access to the BlueXP service. Port 443 is used for secure HTTPS communication, and BlueXP needs to establish an outbound connection from the on-premises NetApp cluster to the cloud-based BlueXP service for discovery and management.
Inbound 443 access (B and C)is not required for discovery, andoutbound 443 access to the Connector IP address (D)is relevant only when interacting with the BlueXP Connector, not for cluster discovery.
Your team is deploying a containerized application on Kubernetes. The developers are currently collecting metrics for application response times.
d Insights to augment their
In this scenario, what are three ways that you would monitoring? (Choose three.)
- A. Provide automatic Snapshot copies of the containerized application.
- B. Curate application metrics and other Kubernetes monitoring into a single dashboard.
- C. Automatically adjust the size of the cluster based on the workload.
- D. Provide an overall health view of the Kubernetes cluster.
- E. Collect pod metrics.
Answer: A,C,E
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